Multiwavelength Astronomy Multimedia

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Spectral Type
X-ray (10)
Optical (9)
Gamma ray (5)
Ultraviolet (4)
Infrared (1)
Artwork (36)
Chart (7)
Collage (11)
Observation (18)
Photographic (79)
Photographic. (1)
Simulation (2)
Associated Lesson
Title:  Sputnik SatelliteAdd
Subjects:  Sputnik 1 | Observatory (space-based) 
Title:  Squash court under Stagg field bleachersAdd
Subjects:  Squash court under Stagg field bleachers | Places | Events (Historical) 
Title:  Scorpius X-1Add
Facility:  Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer 
Instrument:  X-Ray Telescope (XRT) 
Subjects:  X-ray Nova J1745-26 | Scorpius X-1 | Neutron Star | Compact Object 
Title:  Time lapse video of soft gamma-ray repeater J1550-5418 over six days, captured by the Swift space telescopeAdd
Facility:  Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer 
Instrument:  X-Ray Telescope (XRT) 
Subjects:  SGR J1550-5418 | Neutron Star | Compact Object | Soft Gamma Repeater 
Spectral Type:  X-ray 
Title:  Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Spectrum of a Star in the Large Magellanic CloudAdd
Facility:  Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) 
Subjects:  Sanduleak -67 166 | Star 
Spectral Type:  Ultraviolet 
Title:  V-2 ExperimentsAdd
Subjects:  V-2 | Rocket | Launch Vehicle 
Title:  Preparing plant bed, tobacco series, Dinwiddie CountyAdd
Subjects:  Farm Machinery 
Title:  XQC Sounding Rocket experiment:Add
Subjects:  X-ray Quantum Calorimeter (XQC) | Rocket | Launch Vehicle 
Title:  XRS-2Add
Subjects:  X-ray Spectrometer | XRS-2 | Detector 
Title:  X-ray Crab NebulaAdd
Facility:  Chandra X-ray Observatory 
Instrument:  Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) 
Subjects:  Crab Nebula | Nebula 
Spectral Type:  X-ray 
Title:  Artist’s visualization of J1550-5418Add
Facility:  Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer 
Subjects:  SGR J1550-5418 | Magnetar | Compact Object | Star | Soft Gamma Repeater 
Title:  Luis AlvarezAdd
Subjects:  Luis Alvarez | People 
Title:  Ernest O LawrenceAdd
Subjects:  Ernest O Lawrence | People 
Title:  Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Average Spectrum of 22 AGNs (Active Galactic Nuclei)Add
Facility:  Hubble Space Telescope 
Instrument:  Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) 
Subjects:  Active Galactic Nuclei | Galaxy 
Spectral Type:  Ultraviolet 
Title:  Oronce Fine, De mundi sphaera (Paris, 1542)Add
Subjects:  Armillary sphere | Instrument 
Title:  Neil Armstrong on the MoonAdd
Subjects:  Neil Armstrong | People | Moon 
Title:  X-ray Quantum Calorimeter (XQC)Add
Subjects:  X-ray Quantum Calorimeter (XQC) | Detector | Microcalorimeter 
Title:  Main Street in HiroshimaAdd
Subjects:  Hiroshima | Events (Historical) | Places 
Title:  Devastation at HiroshimaAdd
Subjects:  Hiroshima | Places | Events (Historical) 
Title:  Center of HiroshimaAdd
Subjects:  Hiroshima | Events (Historical) | Places 
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This material is based upon work supported by NASA under Grant Nos. NNX09AD33G and NNX10AE80G issued through the SMD ROSES 2009 Program.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.