Multiwavelength Astronomy Multimedia

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Spectral Type
X-ray (10)
Optical (9)
Gamma ray (5)
Ultraviolet (4)
Infrared (1)
Artwork (36)
Chart (7)
Collage (11)
Observation (18)
Photographic (79)
Photographic. (1)
Simulation (2)
Associated Lesson
Title:  Starry night at YerkesAdd
Subjects:  Night Sky 
Spectral Type:  Optical 
Title:  Artist’s visualization of a collapsarAdd
Subjects:  Collapsar model | Star | Gamma Ray Burst 
Title:  The Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Bright Galactic Star Zeta OphiuchiAdd
Facility:  Copernicus (OAO-3) 
Subjects:  Zeta Ophiuchi | star 
Spectral Type:  Ultraviolet 
Title:  Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope after the integration of the burst monitorAdd
Subjects:  Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope | Observatory (space-based) 
Title:  The Legacy of UhuruAdd
Subjects:  Marjorie Townsend | People | Uhuru | Observatory (space-based) 
Title:  Gamma-ray penetration of materialsAdd
Subjects:  Gamma radiation | Concepts 
Title:  Crashing Neutron stars can make gamma-ray burst jetsAdd
Subjects:  Neutron Star | Gamma Ray Burst | Compact Object 
Title:  Swift InstrumentationAdd
Subjects:  Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Explorer | Observatory (space-based) 
Title:  Swift Gamma-Ray Burst ExplorerAdd
Subjects:  Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Explorer | Observatory (space-based) | Gamma Ray Burst 
Title:  Apollo 7 LaunchAdd
Subjects:  AS-205 Saturn IB launch vehicle | Launch Vehicle | Rocket 
Title:  HEAO-2Add
Subjects:  HEAO-2 | Einstein Observatory | Observatory (space-based) 
Title:  Reviewing Data From the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE)Add
Subjects:  Chryssa Kouveliotou | Gerald Fishman | People 
Title:  AXAFAdd
Subjects:  AXAF | Chandra X-ray Observatory | Observatory (space-based) 
Title:  Aerobee RocketAdd
Subjects:  Aerobee Rocket | Launch Vehicle | Rocket 
Title:  Air Shower SchematicAdd
Subjects:  Concepts | Cosmic Rays 
Title:  Atomic Pile [layer - photograph]Add
Subjects:  Atomic pile | Events (Historical) 
Title:  Atomic Pile [sketch]Add
Subjects:  Atomic pile | Events (Historical) 
Title:  Auger Observatory AnimationAdd
Subjects:  Cosmic Rays | Concepts 
Title:  Third Small Astronomy Satellite (SAS-3)Add
Subjects:  Third Small Astronomy Satellite (SAS-3) | Observatory (space-based) 
Title:  BATSE GRB distribution mapAdd
Facility:  Compton Gamma Ray Observatory 
Instrument:  BATSE 
Subjects:  GRB distribution map | Gamma Ray Burst 
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This material is based upon work supported by NASA under Grant Nos. NNX09AD33G and NNX10AE80G issued through the SMD ROSES 2009 Program.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
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