Multiwavelength Astronomy Multimedia


Auger Observatory Animation


This animation models how an extensive air shower (EAS) is detected by the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory Engineering Array. The cosmic ray particles spread out to form a shower front. The shower front is illustrated using green dots to represent electrons and positrons, and red dots to represent muons. Yellow indicates that particles have been detected coincidentally by one of the water tank detectors. Slight differences in the detection times at the various tank positions allow scientists to determine the cosmic ray arrival direction. See the sketch of the cosmic ray creating an air shower and heading towards the detector on the previous page.


  • Cosmic Rays
  • Concepts


Pierre Auger Collaboration



Associated Lesson

X-Ray Science

This material is based upon work supported by NASA under Grant Nos. NNX09AD33G and NNX10AE80G issued through the SMD ROSES 2009 Program.

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