TitleAtomic Pile [layer - photograph]
DescriptionPhotograph taken November 1942 during construction of the first nuclear reactor as the 19th layer of graphite was added. Layer 18, almost covered in the picture, contained uranium; alternate layers of graphite containing uranium metal and uranium oxide were spaced by layers of dead graphite. Construction was carried on in this manner to the 57th layer, which was one layer beyond critical or operating dimensions. The roughly spherical form of the structure is shown as is some of the supporting framework. The reactor was constructed under a section of the West Stands of the University of Chicago's Stagg Field, and was operated for the first time December 2, 1942.
Subject- Atomic pile
- Events (Historical)
Date Created1942-11
CreditsArchival Photographic Files, apf2-00502, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
Associated LessonGamma Ray History