720 XTF Search Results (f4-spectral-Type=X-ray;f5-type=Observation;f3-subject=Star;f7-instrument=ROSAT;f6-subject=Moon);f5-type%3DObservation;f3-subject%3DStar;f7-instrument%3DROSAT;f6-subject%3DMoon Results for your query: f4-spectral-Type=X-ray;f5-type=Observation;f3-subject=Star;f7-instrument=ROSAT;f6-subject=Moon Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT X-ray Moon and X-ray Star. This image of the Moon in X-rays was made in 1991 using data from the Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT), an X-ray observatory. In this picture, pixel brightness corresponds to X-ray intensity. The Moon reflects lower energy X-rays (shown as red) from the Sun. The source of high energy X-rays (shown as yellow) is a distant binary star system. The background is speckled with X-rays from many distant, powerful active galaxies. The picture also shows the Moon passing in front of of and obscuring the binary star, a phenomenon called occultation. Tue, 01 Jan 1991 12:00:00 GMT